The knowledge which is praised by Allaah in the Qur’aan and Sunnah
The knowledge mentioned here is the knowledge of sharee’ah which is derived from the Qur’aan and Sunnah. This is the legacy of the Prophets, for the Prophets did not leave behind dirhams and dinars (money), rather they only left behind knowledge. Whoever learns it gains a great deal. When the texts commend knowledge, what is meant is knowledge of the Qur’aan, Sunnah and sharee’ah. This also includes knowledge of nahw (grammar), i.e., the Arabic language, because it is the language of the Qur’aan: knowledge of how inheritances are to be shared out (faraa’id); acts of worship (‘ibaadaat); interactions with others (mu’aamalaat); punishments prescribed in sharee’ah (hudood); the shar’i literature and Arabic literature, for it is the biography of the close friends (awliya’) of Allaah and His righteous slaves. Similarly it is important to know the means to this knowledge, such as Usool al-Fiqh, tawheed, ‘Aqeedah, the basic principles of Islam, etc.
With regard to other, worldly sciences which the Muslims need to know, there is no doubt that they come under the heading of fard kifaayah (communal obligation, i.e., if some of the community does it, the rest are absolved of the obligation); those who are able to learn them are obliged to do so, thus fulfilling the obligation of fard kifaayah, because the people are in need of that, so long as that does not prevent them from learning the things that they are obliged to know. Undoubtedly there is benefit in sciences such as biology, chemistry, etc. Many of the scholars were of the view that it is obligatory to learn necessary crafts and industries, and there should be enough people who have these skills, such as blacksmiths, tailors, barbers, etc.
Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Jibreen
And the sciences which Muslims are in need of, such as military skills, are even more essential and more obligatory.
And Allaah knows best.
Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Friday, July 20, 2007
Who is Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi?
Who is Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi?
Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi (August 19, 1991 – March 12, 2006) was a 14-year-old Iraqi girl who lived in the village of Mahmoudiyah southeast of Baghdad who was gang-raped, killed and burned, by American troops. Hamza, her parents and her younger sister were shot and killed in their home in Mahmoudiyah on or around March 12, 2006. A discharged U.S. serviceman, Pfc. Steven D. Green, was arrested and charged on July 3, 2006 with raping and killing Hamza and killing her father Qassim Hamza Raheem, 45, her mother Fakhriya Taha Muhasen, 34, and her seven-year-old sister, Hadeel Qassim Hamza. Initial details published by American media reported that Abeer Qassim Hamza was 25 years old, and that the others killed were her husband and child, details which were incorrect."
We should think about this young girl and honor her memory on the day she would have turned 16, if only she wasn't murdered. Imagine where her and other Iraqi women would have been today if they weren't murdered. I could imagine Abeer in school (if the schools were still or are still functioning, of course), preparing perhaps to attend college in the hopes of bettering her society. Or maybe she would be at home, eating with her family or reading a poem. She would be a living, breathing, human being. But she was murdered.
On August 19th, 2007, let's join together wherever we are and remember her in our various communities. Let's not only honor the life of Abeer Hamza but remember the plight of, unfortunately, so many Iraqi girls wounded, raped, and murdered during this increasingly bloody U.S. occupation of Iraq.
Abeer Qassim Hamza al-Janabi (August 19, 1991 – March 12, 2006) was a 14-year-old Iraqi girl who lived in the village of Mahmoudiyah southeast of Baghdad who was gang-raped, killed and burned, by American troops. Hamza, her parents and her younger sister were shot and killed in their home in Mahmoudiyah on or around March 12, 2006. A discharged U.S. serviceman, Pfc. Steven D. Green, was arrested and charged on July 3, 2006 with raping and killing Hamza and killing her father Qassim Hamza Raheem, 45, her mother Fakhriya Taha Muhasen, 34, and her seven-year-old sister, Hadeel Qassim Hamza. Initial details published by American media reported that Abeer Qassim Hamza was 25 years old, and that the others killed were her husband and child, details which were incorrect."
We should think about this young girl and honor her memory on the day she would have turned 16, if only she wasn't murdered. Imagine where her and other Iraqi women would have been today if they weren't murdered. I could imagine Abeer in school (if the schools were still or are still functioning, of course), preparing perhaps to attend college in the hopes of bettering her society. Or maybe she would be at home, eating with her family or reading a poem. She would be a living, breathing, human being. But she was murdered.
On August 19th, 2007, let's join together wherever we are and remember her in our various communities. Let's not only honor the life of Abeer Hamza but remember the plight of, unfortunately, so many Iraqi girls wounded, raped, and murdered during this increasingly bloody U.S. occupation of Iraq.
An American soldier boasts of having tortured Iraqis
There are no words to what to say to something like this.
"You're F**king Famous Now !"
Marked as: Mature
An American soldier boasts of having tortured Iraqis and making a 15 years old Iraqi girl commit suicide after she had been raped and pimped out to other soldiers.
"You're F**king Famous Now !"
Marked as: Mature
An American soldier boasts of having tortured Iraqis and making a 15 years old Iraqi girl commit suicide after she had been raped and pimped out to other soldiers.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
The Informer: Behind the Scenes, or Setting the Stage?

The Informer: Behind the Scenes, or Setting the Stage?
the munafiq lures young Muslims to agree with him to "terrorist" plots and activities and then turns them over to the kuffars. These Muslims would never do such a thing on their own, are befriended and convinced to go for it and then betrayed.
Print and post this traitor's picture in every masjid.
These dogs lie and invent conspiracies that get many innocent Muslims in trouble to justify their jobs and continue to be employed.
In the end, they are the loosers in this life and The Hereafter.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Dear All, Please go to the below site and sign the petition!
Dear All, Please go to the below site and sign the petition!
Oprah Winfrey is planning to travel to Israel for a solidarity visit...
Take a few minutes to forward to as many people as you know
Oprah Winfrey is planning to travel to Israel for a solidarity visit...
Take a few minutes to forward to as many people as you know
Tutu Calls for Better Media Reporting of Religion
Tutu calls for better media reporting of religion
LONDON, June 27 (Reuters) - Archbishop Desmond Tutu called on the media on Wednesday to be more careful in their choice of words when reporting on religious conflict.
Tutu, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984, said that broad understanding of trouble spots was often complicated by the language used to describe the activities of people or religions involved in them.
He was speaking at a Reuters Newsmaker event in London to mark the launch of the Tutu Foundation UK, an organisation intended to bring the experience of truth and reconciliation in South Africa to inner city communities in Britain.
Addressing journalists in the audience, Tutu called for tolerance and understanding of religions.
"I would hope that you in the media would be passionate about letting people judge for themselves, that you would be careful about some of the language that you do actually use," he said.
"'Muslim terrorism' - have you ever read anywhere 'Christian terrorism'? - as if Islam propagates violence, but you have never spoken about what happened in Northern Ireland as Christian terrorism," he said.
"Fundamentally there is no faith that I know that propagates violence, that says it's a good thing to oppress anybody."
Tutu said he recognised the media could be a force for good but that it had responsibilities.
"You have a very powerful media. I know because you helped us very much in our struggle to tell our story. You did it for us and we benefited enormously."
Tutu added, however, that understanding different religions required peoples of all faiths to understand different perspectives.
"We Christians ought to get off our high horse and learn to be a great deal more humble, when you look at our history, the bloody things that we did in the name of religion," he said.
Tutu, 75, is the former Anglican archbishop of Cape Town and won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work against apartheid.
LONDON, June 27 (Reuters) - Archbishop Desmond Tutu called on the media on Wednesday to be more careful in their choice of words when reporting on religious conflict.
Tutu, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984, said that broad understanding of trouble spots was often complicated by the language used to describe the activities of people or religions involved in them.
He was speaking at a Reuters Newsmaker event in London to mark the launch of the Tutu Foundation UK, an organisation intended to bring the experience of truth and reconciliation in South Africa to inner city communities in Britain.
Addressing journalists in the audience, Tutu called for tolerance and understanding of religions.
"I would hope that you in the media would be passionate about letting people judge for themselves, that you would be careful about some of the language that you do actually use," he said.
"'Muslim terrorism' - have you ever read anywhere 'Christian terrorism'? - as if Islam propagates violence, but you have never spoken about what happened in Northern Ireland as Christian terrorism," he said.
"Fundamentally there is no faith that I know that propagates violence, that says it's a good thing to oppress anybody."
Tutu said he recognised the media could be a force for good but that it had responsibilities.
"You have a very powerful media. I know because you helped us very much in our struggle to tell our story. You did it for us and we benefited enormously."
Tutu added, however, that understanding different religions required peoples of all faiths to understand different perspectives.
"We Christians ought to get off our high horse and learn to be a great deal more humble, when you look at our history, the bloody things that we did in the name of religion," he said.
Tutu, 75, is the former Anglican archbishop of Cape Town and won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work against apartheid.
How Much Longer Can We Wait ?
How Much Longer Can We Wait ?
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