Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Fifteen Examples of Supplications Immediately Answered by Allah

Fifteen Examples of Supplications Immediately Answered by Allah

The Messenger of Allah related that Allah Said: "...if he calls upon Me, I answer him, and if he asks of Me, I will give him..."

Ibn Rajab commented: "...This means that this person who is beloved and close to Allah has a special status with Allah such that if he asks Allah for something, He gives it to him, and if he seeks refuge with Allah from anything, He protects him from that thing, and if he calls upon Him, He answers him. So, he ends up becoming from those whose supplications are answered due to his honor with Allah.

And many from the righteous early generations were known to have their supplications answered.

It is related in the 'Sahih' that ar-Rubay' bint an-Nadr broke a tooth of a slave. So, they offered compensation, and they refused. They asked for pardon, and they refused. The Messenger of Allah was then going to implement the rule of retaliation between them. Anas bin an-Nadr said: "The tooth of ar-Rubay' will be broken? By the One who has sent you with the truth, her tooth will not be broken." So, the people were pleased and took the compensation. The Messenger of Allah then said: "Indeed, from the slaves of Allah are those who, if they make an oath upon Allah, He fulfills it."

...And Ibn Abi ad-Dunya reported with his chain that an-Nu'man bin Qawfal said on the day of Uhud: "O Allah, I swear that I will be killed and enter Paradise ." So, he was killed, and the Prophet said: "Indeed, Nu'man made an oath upon Allah, and He fulfilled that oath."

And Abu Nu'aym reported with his chain from Sa'd that 'Abdullah bin Jahsh said on the day of Uhud: "O Lord, if I meet the enemy tomorrow, give me an adversary who is strong and harsh for me to fight for Your Sake and for him to fight me. Then, let him cut off my nose and ear so that when I meet You the next day, You Say: 'O 'Abdullah! Why were your nose and ear cut off?' I will say: 'For You and Your Messenger.' And You will Say: 'You have spoken the truth.'"

Sa'd said: "I saw him at the end of the day with his nose and ear hanging from a thread."

And Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas would have his supplications answered. A man lied upon him, and he said: "O Allah, if he is lying, take away his eyesight, elongate his life, and expose him to trials and tribulations." So, the man was stricken with all of this, as he used to walk through the streets and come into contact with the slave girls, saying: "I am an old man who is experiencing fitnah. I have been stricken with the supplication of Sa'd!"

And he supplicated against a man he heard insulting 'Ali, and immediately, a camel came and trampled him to death.

And a woman disputed with Sa'id bin Zayd over some land he owned, claiming that he had taken from her land. So, he said: "O Allah, if she is lying, take away her eyesight and kill her in her own land." So, she became blind, and one night when she was walking in her land, she fell into a well and died.

And al-' Ala ' bin al-Hadrami was on an expedition, and those with him became very thirsty. So, he prayed and supplicated: "O Knower, O Bestower, O Most High, O Mighty! We are Your slaves, and we are fighting Your enemy for Your Sake. Give us water to drink and make ablution from, and do not allow anyone else to benefit from this water!" They walked for a bit to find a river of water flowing from the sky. They drank from it and filled their vessels. Later, some of his companions returned to where the river was to find that there was nothing there, as if there had never been any water there.

And someone complained to Anas bin Malik of a drought in a part of al-Basrah. So, he performed ablution and went out to the patch of land, prayed two units, and it then began raining on the patch of land, and the rain did not fall anywhere beyond that patch of land.

...And Abu Muslim al-Khawlani was known for having his supplications answered. Once, a gazelle passed by him, and the young boys in the area said: "Ask Allah to allow us to capture this gazelle!" So, he supplicated, and he captured it and held it until they were able to take it from his hands.

And he once supplicated against a woman who had ruined his relationship with his wife that her eyesight be taken away. She immediately went blind, and she came to him begging. So, he had pity for her and asked Allah to return her eyesight to her, and his wife returned to her normal state with him.

And a man lied upon Mutarraf bin 'Abdullah, and Mutarraf said: "If you are lying, I ask Allah to hasten your departure," and the man died on the spot.

And a Kharijite used to pass by the classes of al-Hasan al-Basri and annoy those present. When it became unbearable, al-Hasan said: "O Allah, You Know how he has harmed us. So, suffice us against him with what You Will," and the man immediately collapsed and was carried dead to his family.

And Silah bin Ashim was on an expedition, and his camel wandered off with all of his belongings, and there was nobody else around. So, he stood and prayed, saying: "O Allah, I swear that you will return my camel and belongings," and it walked back until it stood right in front of him.

...And Habib al-'Ajami Abu Muhammad was known for having his supplications answered. He once supplicated for a young boy who was bald, and would weep and wipe his tears over the boy's head. The boy's hair began growing black all over his head, and it looked better than it had before.

...And Sa'id bin Jubayr was patient upon the harm inflicted upon him by al-Hajjaj until he killed him, and he was from those whose supplication was answered. He used to have a rooster whose crowing would wake him up to pray at night. One night, it didn't wake him up on time, and he became very distressed, saying: "What is wrong with it? May Allah cut off its voice!" It never crowed again, and his mother said: "My son, do not supplicate against anything ever again."

See 'Jami' al-'Ulum wal-Hikam' (2/348-354) for more.

Many American meat exporters obtain halal certificate fraudulently

Many American meat exporters obtain halal certificate fraudulently

By Nadia Saleem, Staff Reporter
November 13, 2008

Dubai: Ninety-five per cent of American food items found in supermarket shelves in the UAE and some other Gulf countries are not halal even though they may be certified as such, an industry specialist said at the Halal World Expo in Abu Dhabi .

Jalel Aossey, director of Midamar, a US-based international supplier of halal food and foodservice equipment, said that there is a significant flow of non-halal food items in the region from meat-supplying countries, and the Gulf countries need tougher regulations to stop that flow.

"On one side you have producers who genuinely don't know what they have to comply with because of a lack of education from the industry. But you also have companies and exporters that are deliberately defrauding governments and consumers by not complying with regulations because they don't want to pay the fees and the transition costs to make halal products," Aossey said.

Corrupt certifiers

Nearly 1.8 billion Muslims around the world as well as some non-Muslims are fuelling the halal food industry, generating sales of $2.1 trillion annually, according to recent reports. The attractive halal food industry is drawing many dubious players.

"Corrupt certifiers get a taste for the money generated producing "paper halal certificates" for companies without actually performing any work," Aossey said.

On regulatory measures, Aossey said, "People have to realise that it is not impossible, and that it's not too costly to put the correct halal standards in place here. There's a big misconception about how difficult this process is."
Noor Al Deen Abdullah, executive director of Kasehdia, a communications and consultancy company in Malaysia , and publishers of The Halal Food Journal earlier told Gulf News, "The global halal industry is still in its infancy because huge awareness is required, especially in the Middle East ."

The major producing nations are Australia, New Zealand , Brazil and Canada , Abdullah said, from where halal and non-halal meat is supplied.
Aossey said that inspection teams can be sent to the various countries where food is being produced to allow it to be inspected, at that country's cost. "This is nothing when you consider the huge dollar volume of food products exported to the UAE and other Gulf countries."

In the UAE, 80 per cent of imported food is said to be halal, coming from countries such as Brazil and Australia .

Facts: What is halal meat?

Halal (or permissible) in Islam is the meat of animals that have been slaughtered reciting the name of Allah on them and all the blood has been drained from the carcass.

Additional criterion that make meat halal are that the animal should not be dead prior to slaughter, since carrion is forbidden and that the animal is from those that are allowed according to Islamic teachings.

http://www.gulfnews .com/business/ General/10259492 .html

The signs of an accepted Hajj or 'Umrah

The signs of an accepted Hajj or 'Umrah


Are there any signs which appear upon those whose performance of the Hajj or the 'Umrah is accepted?


It is possible for there to be signs for the one whose Hajj, fasting, charity or prayer has been accepted by Allaah and they are: the opening of the heart (to good), happiness of the heart and a lighted face. Certainly, for worshipping (Allaah) there are signs that appear on the body, signs that are visible and signs that are hidden. Some of the Pious Predecessors have mentioned that from the signs that a good (act) has been accepted (by Allaah) is that he will be granted the towfeeq to do (yet) another good (act). Certainly the towfeeq of Allaah for him to do more good (acts) after it, is evidence that Allaah ('Azza wa Jall) has accepted his previous good (acts). He has made it easy for him to do another good act and is happy with him for it.

Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen
Daleel al-Akhtaa.a yaqa'a feehaa al-Haaj wal-Mu'tamir wat-tahdtheer minhaa - Page 115


Eight Things to Learn !

Eight Things to Learn !

One time a scholar asked one of his students, "You have spent a long time with me, what have you learned?

He said I learned eight things:

First , I looked to the creation. Every one has a loved one. When he goes to the grave , he leaves his loved one. Therefore, I made my loved one my good deeds ; that way, they will be with me in the grave .

Second, I looked to the verse , 'But as for him who feared to stand before his Lord and restrained his soul from lust, ' and, there fore, I struggled against my desires so I could stay obeying Allah .

Third, I saw that if anyone has something with him that is worth something, he will protect it. Then I thought about the verse , ' That which you have is wasted away; and that which is with Allah remains,' therefore, everything worth something with me I devo ed to Him so it would be with Him for me.

Fourth, I saw the people seek ng wealth, honor and positions and it was not worth anything to me. Then I thought about Allah's words , 'Lo, the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most aware of Allah ,' so I did my best to become aware of Allah in order to nobility in his sight .

Fifth , I saw the people being jealous towards each other and I looked at the verse , 'We have apportioned among them their livelihood in the life of the world ,' so I left jealousy.

Sixth , I saw the people havin genmity and I thought about the verse , 'Lo, the devil is an enemy for you, so take him as an enemy ,' so I left enmity and I took the Satan as my only enemy .

Seventh, I saw them debasing thems elves in search of sustenance and I thought about the verse , 'And there is not a beast in the earth but the sustenance there of depends on Allah ,' so I kept myself busy with my responsibilities toward Him and I left my property with Him.

Eighth, I found them relying on their business, buildings and health and I thought about the verse , 'And whosoever puts his trust in Allah , He will suffice him, ' there fore, I put my trust only on Allah .

Abu Mas'ud ' Uqba ibn 'Amr al- Ansari al- Badri reported that the Messenger of Allah , ( PBUH) , said, " Anyone who shows the way to something good has the same reward as the person who does it.
" [ Muslim]

E.g. if you encou rage someo ne to go for Salah , or pay Zakat and the person actually goes ahead and prays or pays Zakat , Allah will reward him for the good deeds and at the same time give you (the one that encouraged them to do good) an equal reward as he has given them- without decreasing what he gave them.

So Encourage Other To Do Good And Refrain From Bad Deeds

Al-Barzakh and the Life in the Grave

Al-Barzakh and the Life in the Grave

“Literally Al-Barzakh means interval or a barrier between two things. Allah Almighty says: “Between them is a Barzakh (Barrier) which they do not transgress.” (Ar-Rahman: 20)

Technically, it stands for an intermediary stage between this life and another life in the Hereafter; it’s an interval between death and the Day of Resurrection. Allah says: “Before them is a Partition till the Day they are raised up.” (Al-Mu’minun: 100)

This does not mean that there would be special places for every soul, but the souls of dead people are in different places according to the level of their Iman: some of them will be on the highest paradise with the souls of Prophets and martyrs; some believers will be in a particular place in Paradise before the Day of Judgment; some will have their graves like gardens of Paradise and some will have it like pits of the Hell-Fire. All of these cases and states of people will be in the period of Al-Barzakh, each one according to the status of his Iman.

For more visit: http://www.islamqa. com/en/ref/ 11110/