Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tel Aviv blanks out unpleasant images

Tel Aviv blanks out unpleasant images

ISRAEL-GAZA BORDER: Every morning, a dangerous game of cat and mouse unfolds on the Gaza border as foreign photographers seek to get around the tight grip that Israel has imposed on information on its war on Gaza.

As dawn breaks, mud-splattered jeeps veer off the main road and drive at breakneck speed across the bumpy terrain in search of action shots of the troops deployed along the border.

Creeping through the undergrowth, a handful of photographers stop several hundred meters from two of Israel’s big guns, waiting to catch on film the precise moment the cannons blast their payload toward Gaza — a deafening roar which rocks the ground.

Those who are caught — and Israel’s military police are everywhere — are arrested, their cameras seized and in some cases, the images erased. Others say they have been held at gunpoint.

“It’s a game of cat and mouse,” said one photographer. “The military police are everywhere — it’s impossible to work like this.”

Keeping foreign journalists away is one of several steps that Israel has taken to control the information about its biggest military operation since the 2006 war in Lebanon. Others have included confiscating the mobile phones of thousands of soldiers ahead of the launch of its massive ground offensive.

Despite a ruling from Israel’s Supreme Court on Friday, which ordered the state to allow groups of up to 12 foreign reporters in to Gaza to cover the war, no one has yet been permitted to enter.

On the Palestinian side, Hamas fighters are preventing photographers from reaching areas where fighters are battling Israeli ground troops.

The result: The only images available of one of Israel’s largest and deadliest offensives in Gaza are night shots of troops walking across the border, smoke rising from Gaza and pictures of the dead.

The situation was starkly different less than three years ago, when journalists enjoyed much freer access to the fighting between Israeli troops and Hezbollah in southern Lebanon.

Danny Seaman, head of the Government Press Office, explained the new situation: “No reporters are allowed into Gaza because our soldiers will not sacrifice their lives to protect them. The world press doesn’t care about the suffering of the Israeli people. They are only worried about the Palestinian. Why isn’t anyone reporting on what’s happening in southern Israel?”

Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor was more diplomatic. “I can’t say that there is a deliberate and overall decision not to allow reporters in. There is fighting at the crossings. Hamas is shelling the crossings and the army does not want to take responsibility for the lives of civilians,” he said.

http://www.arabnews .com/?page=4§ion=0&article=117926&d=7&m=1&y=2009&pix=world.jpg&category=World

GAZA: How Biased Media Manipulates the Facts

GAZA: How Biased Media Manipulates the Facts
YVONNE RIDLEY on 09 January, 2009

THE media coverage of the war in Gaza by Western television companies is largely unfair and biased because of a refusal to show viewers the real images of the victims. One of the reasons for this is Israel's decision not to allow the Western media in to Gaza.

In addition to this outrageous censorship by a so-called democracy, we get the usual arguments that most of the images shown by the Arab media are too shocking to show the viewing public in the West.

Admittedly, the horrific clip sent to me of a child's head lying detached, among debris in Gaza did make me gasp.

But this is war and this is real and if the Western media did show these sort of images may be the general public would wake up to the full horrors of what happens when bombs are dropped on civilian populations.

There is no such reticence in the Arab media which is why more people with satellites are switching on to television from the Middle East to watch the unfolding genocide in Gaza.

And one rising media star is the fledgling Press TV, broadcast from Iran, and recently introduced to the Sky platform 515. It is fast becoming the first station of choice for the viewing public - especially the English-speaking across Europe - who simply want the truth, no matter who shocking or unpalatable it may be.

There are around half a dozen Palestinian journalists on the ground with Press TV crews revealing the full horrors of the war as20it unfolds. I am amazed by their dedication and courage and I salute each and every one of them ... some are my personal friends.

Yes, I do present a show for20the station, but I have also worked as a journalist for more than three decades covering conflicts and their aftermaths from The Falklands, first and second Gulf wars, the Irish Troubles, as well as Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq for a variety of print and electronic media.

And one thing common in each conflict is the constant battle by journalists and war correspondents to get to the truth of the matter, but the battle to tell the truth is becoming more and more difficult despite the amazing technology now available.

People in powerful places who do terrible things do not want the truth to get out, which is why journalists are finding themselves banned or censored more and more.

You see the truth is a very strong and influential weapon which can be used against those people.

Sadly when it is twisted and manipulated it can wreak even more havoc.

The Israeli war machine is master full in its complete distortion of the truth which is why the state continues to go unpunished for its failure to adhere to the Geneva convention concerning the collective punishment of the citizens of Gaza.

Israeli tactics are cruel, malicious and demonstrate that its leaders are not interested in the peace process or a Palestinian State.

They are creating the ideal breeding ground for extremism, sabotaging peace efforts and squandering the good will they have been given.

Five years ago, the Bush administration lied about weapons of mass destruction ... it was a lie eagerly repeated by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair to fool the media into supporting an illegal, immoral invasion of Iraq. And it worked.

To their eternal shame, most of the western media fell in line and swallowed the lie - with the exception of a few journalists most have kept quiet about this collective cock up. The New York Times did issue a front page apology later, but the damage had been done and public perception was difficult to change.

Sadly, many of the same news organisations and the same journalists have learned nothing from that shameful period. At the beginning of this war, Israel trotted out only the flimsy excuse of the Hamas rockets as justification for unleashing its brand of Shock and Awe in Gaza.

Hamas rockets have killed just over 20 Israelis since 2001 whereas Israel's war on Gaza has killed more than 700 including more than 200 children in the last 13 days. The seriously maimed and injured is running in to thousands as I write.

But the 'Hamas rocket' excuse went unchallenged in the West, although to its full credit the Israeli media revealed20days later that Operation Cast Lead was a long-planned campaign six months in the making aimed at crushing democratically elected Hamas.

Yes, I admit the rockets do exist but they are nothing more than metal barrels of junk fuelled by fertiliser. As one colleague remarked they're mere slingshots compared to the shells, million dollar missiles and bunker-busting bombs used by Israel.

Some argue the Qassam rockets are used out of desperation, I personally think they're more of a two-fingered gesture from a people who have suffered a brutal, medieval siege at the hands of Israel for years.

Despite its amazing war machine, and its state-of-the- art-technology these little rockets rarely show up on any military radars. The Israelis don't know about them until they've landed and that's what hacks them off.

Yet Israeli leaders and their supporters continue to present absurd propaganda about Hamas rockets which are far less sophisticated than anything the IRA ever used in mainland Britain during the height of The Troubles. Mind you, the IRA was funded and backed by US dollars whereas the Hamas military wing has no such generous donors.

I don't recall the British Government ordering cruise missiles to be launched on Belfast in retaliation for the misery and suffering of IRA bombing campaigns in London, Manchester, Birmingham and other places. I can't ever recall Apache Attack Helicopters hovering outside the Sinn Fein offices in the Falls Road or targetted assassinations of IRA leaders.

Most journalists with an ounce of investigation skills would realise that the Hamas Rocket excuse is a sham.

But it continues to be used as an excuse for unleashing what has been described by various people, including Jewish peace activists, as a holocaust and genocide.

Millions across the world have demonstrated - anger and anarchy on the streets has been witness across all continents but the only ones who look away are the Western leaders and the servile media.
The gaggle of belly-dancing Middle Eastern leaders are largely a disgrace and are about as much use as the increasingly toothless United Nations, but there is a backlash coming and it's coming from ordinary citizens across the world.

People power, the sort of power which inspired the Iranian and Cuban revolutions, the toppling of brutal dictators like Romania's Nicolae Ceausescu and the tearing down of the Berlin Wall, is emerging.
The Western media can either catch up with the agenda instead of trying to follow the Zionist agenda by continuing to peddle big lies. The viewing public have largely lost trust in the mainstream media, especially in the wake of Iraq.

Quite simply, the public has become cynical and jaded and can not be lied to any more. if the mainstream media is to regain any credibility journalists need to challenge israeli and Western leaders.
The truth is a powerful we apon and it is true that...

ISRAEL targets civilians - more than two thirds of the dead are women and children. So why allow Tzipi Livni to say: "Gaza Strip being controlled by Hamas, and the price is being paid by Israeli children and Palestinian children, but the blame is and the address is Hamas." This is a clear lie. What Israeli children have been killed? The only dead children are in Gaza.

Hamas is a political organisation which has a military wing and not the other way around. It was democratically elected by the people who were sick of the previous corrupt politicians who let them down.
Israel broke the ceasefire on November 4 2008 - a fact finally acknowledged on CNN nearly two months later in a discussion show although the BBC, Fox and other western media have yet to mention this.

Hamas does not use civilians as human shields - again, where is the evidence? Israel needs to put up or shut up, but the media never demands to see the evidence.

Israel says it cares about civilians and warns them in advance of the bombing raids in their area - well so did the IRA but I don't remember anyone congratulating them on their humanitarian actions.
And beware of the latest lie about to hit the media about Hamas commander Mahmoud Zahar who, according to the Zionist propaganda said jewish children across the world are targets. A guest columnist in The Guardian quoted Zahar as saying: "The Zionists have legitimised the killing of their children by killing our children. They have legitimised the killing of their people all over the world by killing our people."

This is not what he said. Unfortunately the Arabic translation was incorrect and those who should know better have failed to check the original speech against the transcript.
The damage has now been done and it remains to see if an apology or correction will follow.

As Sir Winston Churchill said: "A lie is halfway round the world before the truth has a chance to get its boots on."

*Yvonne Ridley presents The Agenda show on Press TV every Thursday. She and film-maker Haq Nawaz recently returned from Gaza for a documentary which will be shown on Press TV later this spring. To watch Press TV live without satellite download www.presstv. com

She regularly contributes to

Vote for Palestine

Vote for Palestine


zionists are worried about world opinion…..they are sending out mass emails begging everyone to click on zionist flag to support them.

Click on the Palestine Flag and show your support for the oppressed!

If error or something shows up, go back and try again, keep trying until you can vote. And share with others!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Benefits of Practicing lkhlas With Allah

Benefits of Practicing lkhlas With Allah
Shaykh Husayn al-Awaaishah
Kitab Al-Ikhlas
The Daar of Islamic Heritage

1. The Muslim ummah will be victorious, for the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, said, what translated means, "Allah only gives victory to this nation because of its weak ones, because of their du`aa', prayer and ikhlas." [At-Targhib wa At-Tarhib].

2. Acquiring safety from Allah's punishment and wrath in the Hereafter. Allah said about some people who observe ikhlas, what translated means,

"And they give food, in spite of their love for it (or for the love of Him), to the poor, the orphan, and the captive. (Saying), 'We feed you seeking Allah's Countenance only. We wish for no reward, nor thanks from you. Verily, we fear from our Lord a Day, hard and distressful, that will make the faces look horrible (from extreme dislikeness to it).' So Allah saved them from the evil of that Day, and gave them Nadhratan (a light of beauty) and joy. And their recompense shall be Paradise , and silken garments, because they were patient." [76:8-12].

3. Elevation to a higher grade in the Hereafter. There are many ayat and hadiths about this subject, such as the following ayah that describes the abrar (the pious). Allah said, what translated means,

"So Allah saved them from the evil of that Day, and gave them Nadhratan (a light of beauty) and joy. And their recompense shall be Paradise, and silken garments, because they were patient. Reclining therein on raised thrones, they will see there neither the excessive heat of the sun, nor the excessive bitter cold. And the shade thereof is close upon them, and the bunches of fruit thereof will hang low within their reach. And amongst them will be passed round vessels of silver and cups of crystal. Crystal-clear, made of silver. They will determine the measure thereof according to their wishes. And they will be given to drink there a cup (of wine) mixed with Zanjabil (ginger, etc.). A spring there, called Salsabil. And round about them will (serve) boys of everlasting youth. If you see them, you would think them scattered pearls." [76:11-19].

Also, the Messenger of Allah said, what translated means, "The first group that enters Paradise will be glittering like the moon when it is full. The following group will glitter like the brightest planet in the sky; they will neither urinate, nor answer the call of nature, nor spit, nor have any nasal secretions; their brushes will be from gold, their sweat is Misk. The aloes-wood will be used in their centers, and their wives are from Hur al-`Een (Houris, female fair ones, with wide, lovely eyes). They will all look like each other, just as is the statute of their father Adam, sixty feet in the sky." [Al-Bukhari & Muslim].

4. Safety from falling into misguidance in this dunya, that is, the life of this world. We have mentioned before example to this subject in the story of Prophet Yusuf.

"Thus it was, that We might turn away from him evil and illegal sexual intercourse. Surely, he was one of our Mukhlasin (chosen, guided persons who observe ikhlas with Allah." [12:24]

5. Acquiring an increase in huda (Right Guidance), as Allah said, what translated means, "Truly! They were young men who believed in their Lord (Allah), and We increased them in guidance." [18:13].

6. Residents of the heavens will love those who observe ikhlas. The Messenger of Allah said, what translated means, "When Allah loves a slave, He summons Jibreel, saying, 'Allah, the Exalted, loves Fulan (such and such person), so love him,' and Jibreel will love him. Then he calls upon the people of the heaven, 'Allah loves Fulan, so love him', and the people of the heaven will love him. Then acceptance (honor, content, love, etc.) will be sent down (and spread up [meaning between the community of the believers]) on earth for him." [Al-Bukhari & Muslim].

7. Acceptance and honor for the mukhlisin, those who observe ikhlas, will be sent down and spread up on earth for them, as was mentioned in the previous hadith.

8. Having a good reputation among people, as was mentioned in the previous hadith. Also, the Messenger of Allah said, what translated means, "Each slave has a reputation in the heaven. If his reputation in the heaven is good, it will be sent down to earth (transferred as such). However, if his reputation is bad in the heaven, it will be transferred as such to the earth." [Al-Bazzar].

9. Acquiring safety from all types of hardships and disasters in this life, as was mentioned in the story of the three persons who were trapped in the cave.

10. Achieving tranquility in the heart and feeling joy, content and elation, for Allah said, what translated means, "Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest." [13:28].

11. Faith will be endeared to the Mukhlisin, while wickedness will be made hateful to them. Allah said, what translated means, "And know that, among you there is the Messenger of Allah. If he were to obey you (follow your opinions and desires) in much of the matter, you would surely be in trouble, but Allah has endeared the Faith to you and has beautified it in your hearts, and has made disbelief, wickedness and disobedience (to Allah and His Messenger) hateful to you. These! They are the rightly guided ones." [49:7].

We have mentioned before how Prophet Yusuf was made to hate fornication, disbelief and wickedness, and how iman was made beautiful to him, that he preferred staying in jail rather than falling into fornication and sin.

12. Allah willing, ikhlas will guide one to choose the rightly-guided company, those who observe ikhlas. The best example for this subject is that the companions of the Messenger of Allah were friends with each other as they were friends with the Messenger, and who can find a better company than the Prophet and his companions.

13. Enduring all types of hardships in this life with patience. The Messenger of Allah and his companions were excellent in this behavior, for they endured and were patient in the face of all types of hardships, and the proof to this better behavior is detailed in abundance in their seerah (life stories).

14. Acquiring the good end, as is evident from the story of the man who had killed ninety nine persons, but then sought to repent from his crimes. This person's ikhlas in seeking forgiveness from Allah guided him until he died while his heart was coming back to Allah, the Exalted.

15. Du`aa' will be accepted, as is evident from the story of the young boy, the wizard and the priest. Also, an example to this is the story of the three men who were trapped in the cave. This, indeed, is a vast subject with numerous examples testifying to the fact that ikhlas is an essential ingredient that ensures the acceptance of du`aa'.

16. Being rewarded in the grave, and receiving the glad tidings of the joy and happiness that the mukhlisin will enjoy in the grave and in the Hereafter. We have narrated the hadith by Al-Baraa' ibn `Azib which describes how one's good deeds will come in the shape of a handsome man, wearing nice clothes and whose scent is pleasing, saying, "I am your good deeds."

Sunday, January 4, 2009

UN: " Gaza Health Services on Brink of Collapse"

The UN's Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs has said the health services in Gaza are on the "brink of collapse."

"We are short of rooms and supplies, we are up to our necks," said a surgeon at Gaza 's main Al-Shifa Hospital . Added the doctor, "The buildings are falling on the heads of the patients."

In addition to the urgent medical needs for the victims, the short supply of food is another worry for those trying to survive.

Read in detail about Islamic Relief's aid efforts in Gaza thus far.

Islamic Relief's aid worker on the ground, Hatem Shurrab, who is writing about the situation for BBC News, has said, "I've met families who are resorting to boiling weeds that they've dug out from the ground in order to feed their families." (Read the latest entries on the BBC News website of an Islamic Relief aid worker sharing first-hand accounts of the situation on the ground in Gaza and IR's relief efforts.)
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"What makes the food situation even worse is that Gazans were already facing difficulties with food over the last year - now they are on the brink," said Shurrab.

80% of the 1.5 milion Gazans depend on international humanitarian assistance.

Please donate now to provide urgently needed aid.
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Islamic Relief responded immediately after the crisis, delivering vital medicines and medical supplies to hospitals in Gaza just 6 hours after the crisis began.

In addition to the medical aid, Islamic Relief is also providing food aid, with a recent delivery of four trucks filled with food supplies. Al-Shifa Hospital has been one of the recipients of this aid. (see distribution photos [ ])

Islamic Relief has launched an emergency multi-million dollar appeal to help the victims and is asking for urgent and repeated support. Islamic Relief has been able to bring in aid supplies to Gaza through it’s partnership with the UN’s World Health Organization.

Your support has helped save lives. The people of Gaza are still in desperate need, please continue your help.

Islamic Relief’s Shurrab: "When we go out and assess what is needed you can see that the people are beyond despair. Food provided by Islamic Relief, the UN and other agencies is beginning to run out in people's homes. The heads of households are despairing at the thought of how to feed their children. "

Please act now and donate generously. The people of Gaza need you.
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FATWAS – Islamic Rulings -Regarding Palestine

FATWAS – Islamic Rulings

Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh:

"Indeed waging war against the weak Muslims in Palestine is (Israeli) terrorism and oppression. the Muslim Ummah was passing through a severe phase which requires it to take a close look (at itself) so that it can become a single Ummah defending and protecting it's 'aqeedah".


Shaykh Saalih ibn Fowzaan:

"It is obligatory upon the Muslims to make supplication for their Muslim brothers and to assist them with wealth. To assist them with wealth and supplication, this is what is obligatory, and this is what will benefit them.”


Shaykh Ibn Baaz:

"It has been confirmed to us by trustworthy and reliable witnesses that the Palestinian intifaadhah (uprising) and those who have stood forth in this are from the most dedicated Muslims there, and that their jihaad is (an) Islaamic (one). This is because they are oppressed by the Jews, and that which is obligatory upon them is to protect their religion and themselves and their families and children and to drive out their enemy from their land with all they are able to of strength."


Shaykh Ibn Baaz:

"Certainly, the Muslim(s) feel much pain and great sadness at the deteriorating situation in Palestine, with matters going from bad to worse, escalating in complexity as the days pass, such that it has reached where it has (today).

...and that which is worth mentioning here, is that the Palestinian issue is an Islaamic issue from the beginning (right through) to the end."


For further fataawa regarding Palestine

PLEASE NOTE: Terrorism is prohibited in Islaam, and these fataawa do not in any way or form imply it's permissibility or acceptance. Rather, they provide qualified Islaamic legal rulings from the recognised Senior Scholars of Islaam to oppose those who have caused oppression by occupying Palestinian land.

Gaza: What can I, as a Muslim, do?


What can we do about the slaughter of Muslims in Palestine and around the world? What is our stance concerning the slaughter of Muslims in Palestine and other parts of the world that is happening right now, where houses are being destroyed, farms are being wrecked, children are being killed, the wounded are being detained in the streets, houses are being bombarded and people are being prevented by the Jews and others, from buying the food and drink that they need? What can I, as a Muslim, do?


Praise be to Allaah.

1- You have to make du’aa’, and recite du’a’ al-qunoot in your salaah (prayer).

2- Collect charity and send it through trustworthy channels.

3- Support the weak and oppressed in all ways, including the media and the internet.

4- Get scholars, daa’iyahs, khateebs and writers to explain the oppression that is happening and the negligence on the part of the ummah, and to mobilize the ummah to defend the holy places.

5- Check on one’s own intentions with regard to fighting for the sake of Allaah, and see whether he is applying the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “Whoever dies without having fought for the sake of Allaah or having had the intention of doing so, has died following one of the branches of hypocrisy.” (Saheeh Muslim, no. 3533)

6- Pursuing all the means of building up material and moral strength, in preparation for meeting the enemy (in battle).

7- Reminding oneself and others of the virtues of martyrdom for the sake of Allaah and studying the rulings on jihad, and not having an attachment to this world.

8- Doing as much damage as possible to the enemies who are in a state of war with us, by boycotting their products, attacking them verbally and in writing to humiliate and annoy them, and to point out their kufr and shirk, and their insults to Allaah, His Messenger and the believers, publishing as much as possible in the audio-visual and print media about this serious topic whilst also connecting that to Islamic belief and the words of Allaah and His Messenger,

We ask Allaah the Exalted and All-Powerful to support His religion and cause His word to prevail.

Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

Statement released by The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Verdicts : on the Palestinian crisis

The Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Verdicts in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia , has followed – with all sorrow and pain- what has occurred, and is still going on against our Muslim brethren in Palestine – and specifically in Gaza . That which is [actions] of oppression, and killing of children, and women and old people! And [it is] transgression on that which is sacred [innocent], and the destruction of infrastructure and institutions, and the terrorizing of innocent people. And there is no doubt that this is a crime and oppression on the rights of the Palestinian nation.

And at this sorrowful event; it is an obligation on the Muslims to be with their Palestinian brethren, and to help and aid them, and to make an effort to lift the oppression against them – through any means which is of their reach – so as to actualize the Islamic bond, and the ties of 'Eeman.

Allaah The Exalted said: "The believers are indeed brothers [in Islâmic religion]."(Al-Hujuraat: 10)

And He The Most Mighty, The Most Majestic said: "The believers, men and women, are Auliyâ' (helpers, supporters, friends, protectors) of one another…"(At-Tawba : 71)

And The Prophet (sallahAllaahu alayhi wasallam) said: "The believer to another believer is like the structure [like a wall] ; each part strengthens the other,' and then he co-enjoined his fingers."(Agreed upon)

And he (may Allaah's blessings and good mention be upon him) also said: "The example of the believers in their relationship, and their love, and their having mercy upon each other ; is like the example of one body part to the rest of the body; if one part is affected then the whole body complains of fever and pain."(Agreed upon)

And he (may Allaah's blessings and good mention be upon him) also said: "The Muslim is the brother of another Muslim; he does not oppress him, nor does he deceive him, nor does he give him up to the enemy, nor does he look down on him."(Narrated by Muslim)

And help comprises of many things –according to the ability, and depending on the situations – whether it is intellectually or physical [things], or whether it is from the general Muslims through wealth, and food, and medicine, and clothing, and other things. Or whether it is from the Islamic Arab nations through making it easy and possible that the aid reaches them, and by taking a sincere position in regards to their [the Palestinian Muslims] matter, and by supporting their case in the gatherings, and seminars, and the international conferences: And all of these are from the ways of co-operation upon good and piety – which is something that is ordered- in the statement of The Exalted :

"Help you one another in virtue, righteousness and piety…"(Al-Maaida : 2)

And also from those ways is: to direct sincere advice to them [the Muslims in Palestine ], and to direct them to that which is of good and of benefit to them. And from the greatest of those is to make du'aa for them -at all times – so that their tribulation is lifted, and their affliction is raised, and that their situation is rectified, and that their statements and actions become good.

Upon this, we also advise our Muslim brethren in Palestine to have fear of Allaah – The Exalted- and to return to Him, just as we advise them to be united; upon the truth, and to leave off divisions and splitting up, and not to give a chance to the enemy – who has taken advantage of it – and will continue to use it in enmity and oppression.

And we also encourage and emphasize our brethren to take the causes which will lead to lifting the oppression directed at their land – while having complete sincerity to Allaah The Exalted – in [those and all other] actions, and to seek His pleasure, and to seek His assistance – through righteous actions, and prayers, and consulting the scholars and people of wisdom; in all their matters – indeed that is a way of being facilitated [to that which is good] and establishment.

Just as we call on to the intellectuals in the world and the international meetings; to have an open look at this catastrophe – with a look of insight, intellect, and equality – so that the Palestinian community can be given its rights. And so that the oppression be lifted from it: such that they live in a honourable life. And at the same time we thank all -the nations and individuals- who have initiated in aiding and helping them.

We ask Allaah by His Beautiful Names and His Lofty Attributes; that He lifts the despair on this Ummah, and that He strengthens its religion, and to raise its statement, and to aid His allies, and to disgrace His enemies -and to return back their plots against themselves- and to save the Muslims from their evil, Indeed He is the Patron, and the One who is Most Able of all that. And may His blessings and good mention be upon our Prophet Muhammad, and also his family and his companions and those who follow them upon good; upto the Last Day.

His eminence; the grand mufti of Saudi Arabia ,

President of the Council of Senior Scholars,

Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn 'Abdullaah Aal ash-Shaykh.

Member of Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Verdicts

Translation by Abu Waheeda As-Salafi

5th Muharram 1429.

Source : The Madeenah Journal node/89303

New Year Resolutions - A Muslim Perspective

New Year Resolutions - A Muslim Perspective

Take Benefit of Five Before Five, Your Youth Before Your Old Age, Your Health Before Your Sickness, Your Wealth Before Your Poverty, Your Free Time Before Your Preoccupation, & Your Life Before Your Death.” [Prophet Muhammad (saws)]

New Year’s Resolutions

Every year, as Muslims, we try our hardest to be patient, eat well, pray regularly and make positive life changes during Ramadan. However, as the year progresses it often seems that we forget those promises to ourselves. Whether it is a Muslim new year or western, it is a good time for Muslims to renew the resolutions they made during Ramadan. A list of resolutions should be written down so one can refer to them throughout the year. They should include spiritual, as well as physical and mental practices, for Allah encompasses all of our lives and not just the hours in which we pray. The following is a list of resolutions I often give consulting clients who ask me what they should do to better their spiritual, physical and mental lives:


“When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close [to them]: I respond to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me: Let them also, with a will, Listen to My call, and believe in Me: That they may walk in the right way,” (Qur’an 2:186)

As I perform more iridology readings and consultations, I am struck with the vitality I see in one certain group of people. This group includes smokers, people who eat junk food, people who have a family history of disease and people who have stressful lives. So what do they all have in common? Exercise! Their enthusiasm for joining a health club, swimming and sports teams, or their dedication to walking once a day, or taking a Tai Chi or Yoga class on a regular basis, has more than made up for their lack of dedication in other health areas. I do not recommend eating badly or smoking, for doing so will eventually catch up to you, but if you could change just ONE thing in your life it should be to exercise. Keep in mind that exercise can even be as simple as praying five times a day. Many people have compared the benefits of the Muslim prayer with those of yoga.

2. Drink Water:

“We made water essential for every life,” (Qur’an 21:30)

Very few people drink the doctor-recommended eight to ten cups of water a day. Most people drink only three cups of water a day or less. Even worse, many people cancel out what they do drink by drinking coffee, green tea or sodas which cause dehydration in the body. One can solve many health problems simply by drinking eight to ten glasses a day.

3. Give up Bad Habits:

The Prophet said, "Allah has forbidden you ( 1 ) to be undutiful to your mothers (2) to withhold (what you should give) or (3) demand (what you do not deserve), and (4) to bury your daughters alive. And Allah has disliked that (A) you talk too much about others (B), ask too many questions (in religion), or (C) waste your property,” (Bukhari: Volume 8, Book 73, Number 6).

Everyone seems to have a bad habit that harms his or her health. Drinking, smoking and overeating are the most popular. However, there are many other bad habits that are unhealthy as well, such as: drinking excess coffee or colas, eating junk food, harboring bad feelings for people, yelling, gossiping, stealing, lying, cheating, watching too much TV, gambling, and many others. Keep in mind that any activity that is forbidden in Islam is unhealthy. Also keep in mind that any activity that starts to become and addiction (such as television, coffee, a friend and even your job) is also unhealthy. Make a pledge to yourself to identify your addictions and stop them (in the case of alcohol or smoking) or at least reduce them to a healthier level (in the case of indulgent socializing, work and television).

4. Be Positive:

“Give Glad tidings to those who exercise patience when struck with adversity and say, ’indeed we belong to God and to him is our return’ such ones receive blessings and Mercy of their lord, and such are the guided ones,” (Qur’an 2:155).

Start cultivating a positive attitude. There is a mountain of physical and medical evidence now to support that a positive attitude can work miracles. One reason could be that a positive attitude influences the thymus gland, which in turn strengthens the immune system.

5. Start Using Tonic Foods:

“Ye people, eat of what is on earth, lawful and wholesome,” (Qur’an 2:168).

Even if the rest of your diet is miserable, the addition of some simple "super foods" can supercharge it. Add some alfalfa sprouts to your salads often, use raw honey on your crackers or bread in the morning, eat sesame (found in Zaa’tar), sunflower and flax seeds regularly and start snacking on sheets of dried seaweed. All of the foods mentioned above contain a dense concentration of nutrients and serve the body in the same way vitamins do.

6. Sleep:

“Lo! your Lord is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days, then mounted He the Throne. He covereth the night with the day, which is in haste to follow it, and hath made the sun and the moon and the stars subservient by His command. His verily is all creation and commandment blessed be Allah, the Lord of the Worlds!” (Qur’an 7:54).

Allah created nighttime for a reason, but it is amazing how few people use that time to actually sleep. In fact, many research studies show that lack of sleep can exacerbate almost any health problem from hypoglycemia and diabetes to pain and mental illness. Even missing an hour of sleep on a regular basis can harm your health.

7. Pray More:

A man who was stung by a scorpion was brought to the Prophet [peace be upon him]. He said: Had he said the word: "I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from the evil of what He created, "he would not have been stung, or he said, "It would not have harmed him,” (Bukhari: Book 28, Number 3890).

“And when I sicken, God heals me,” (26:80 Qur’an).

There are entire sects and groups of people who do not use conventional medicine at all, but, rather, use prayer as medicine. Even the Prophet himself used prayer alone as medicine in many instances. In addition, many new studies have found that prayer does have healing effects - for the prayer as well as the prayed for.

8. Keep Good Company:

“The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Allah has cursed wine, its drinker, its server, its seller, its buyer, its presser, the one for whom it is pressed, the one who conveys it, and the one to whom it is conveyed,” (Bukhari: Book 26, Number 3666).

In many cases in the Qur’an and Hadith it is mentioned that you do not actually have to perform a bad act to be affected by it. Muslims are encouraged to “hang out” with people they would like to emulate and not with those that are a bad influence on them. This influence, in fact, can come in many forms. Do you hang out with friends that drink, smoke or consume too much coffee? Does your office always have donuts available for breakfast and your local grocer always have goodies on sale? Start hanging out with people who have the good habits of eating well and start shopping in stores that offer healthier whole grain and organic foods. Reduce time spent with people or in places that are a bad influence.

9. Use Natural Healing:

“God never inflicts a disease unless he makes a cure for it...” (Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad related by Abu Hurairah)

The Prophet himself used natural healing in his community. In fact, Allah HAS created a cure for every disease - so go see a natural health care practitioner and get evaluated.

10. Laugh More, Yell Less:

Allah's Apostle said, "The strong is not the one who overcomes the people by his strength, but the strong is the one who controls himself while in anger,” (Bukhari: Volume 8, Book 73, Number 135).

Laughing, instead of yelling, has enormous healing potential. Tell jokes to your children, listen to comedy on radio or television, buy comedy tapes, and read the comics in the newspaper. Laughing has been found to have therapeutic qualities, as illustrated by Robin Williams in the film “Patch Williams”. On the other hand, anger has been found to reduce immune system function.