Friday, November 9, 2007

This was almost Unheard of in Iraq before Bush Invaded

This was almost Unheard of in Iraq before Bush Invaded

The Rape of 7 female detainees in the New Iraqi Democracy

November 6, 2007

On Monday, a responsible from the Office of Human Rights in Diwaniyah stated that 7 female detainees were raped in the prisons and detention centers of Diwaniyah whilst under torture.

The responsible who spoke on condition of anonymity affirmed that huge human rights violations are taking place the Diwaniyah prisons and in particular in the Anti Crime Bureau., the Directorate of Prisons, and the Deportation Bureau.

He said that arrested women are systematically raped and that one of them died under torture. He added that these women are raped and tortured in the most hideous of ways by the Police force.

There are confirmed reports that at least 7 of these women awaiting interrogation/investigations have been raped and one woman has died from torture.

That same source also added that the Office of Human Rights has toured some of the Diwaniyah prison and detention centers and visited both female and male detainees and has recorded their cases. Diwaniyah is situated 180 km south of the capital Baghdad.


Rape of Iraq by George W Bush

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