A Cry from an Iraqi Christian woman! Where are you our beloved Saddam Hussein?
A Christian woman - Al Moharer on 24 October, 2008
I AM an Iraqi Christian woman from Mosul. We the Christians are the sons and daughters of this very soil of Iraq. In our beloved Iraq, were born our children, our fathers and our forefathers. . We are a part of this sacred land of Iraq.. We participated into building and defending Iraq.. I couldn't help but to write to you, dear fellow Iraqis at Al-Basra network.. For I know you will not divulge my name and I would like you to publish my message in your site and on every honorable and dignified Islamic and patriotic site..
The bloodthirsty Kurdish Peshmergas are persecuting us..we the Iraqi Christians: They are burning our millennia churches..They are the ones who murdered the Archbishop of Mosul the martyr Paulos Faraj Rahho..for he was a real patriot. He loathed the US occupation, didn't want to leave Mosul and defied the bloodthirsty Kurdish Peshmergas.. The Zionist Media in the West represent the peshmergas as the angels and the wonderful.. I heard that even in France these Kurdish murderers have a mother called la Madame Danielle Mitterrand.. Let Danielle Mitterrand the peshmergas' mother and Kouchner, their father, come and see what their wonderful bloodthirsty peshmergas are doing to the Christians in Mosul and elsewhere with the Zionist' Mossad help..
Today the Peshmergas murdered my son accusing him of terrorism.. I know pretty well that the murderers are the Peshmergas.. for they speak bad Arabic and they are backwards and savages in their behavior. Indeed the two Kurdish Parties of Talabani and Barazani, helped and advised by the Zionist Mossad, are the most debased terrorists. Now we understand that they were behind the burning and the destruction of more than forty of our millennia Christians churches in Mosul and in Baghdad. They ere behind the murder of father Ragheed and three of the Al Noor's neighborhood' Church deacons.. just after finishing the Sunday mass.. Danielle Mitterrand' wonderful children, the debased Peshmergas, want to empty Mosul from any body who is against their Zionist project to piecing our beloved soil Iraq, Mesopotamia, and whoever against planting another occupied Palestine in the our beloved northern Iraq..run by the two thugs Barzani and Talabani..
Listen! The US propaganda and the Media liars say things are improving in Iraq! Let the world come and see: thousands of Iraqi Christians are forced to leave their homes by the US allies, the Peshmergas.. I am a living proof! I have been forced to leave my home! so were my son and my daughter. We were thrown into the streets.. homeless. Nowhere to go and with no help and we endure a great suffering. We lost every thing, all our savings.. and our children can no longer go to schools.. and the US occupation since the last six years has brought us endless misery and unbelievable ordeals.
Mujahedeen! I beseech you, by the Prophet Mohammed and by our Lord Jesus Christ and shout for your help as did the daughter of Amurya, I shout : our beloved Saddam Hussein where are you ? I beg the heroes men of Saddam Hussein..to come and help their Christian brothers.. for our beloved Saddam Hussein loved so much Christians and every minority in Iraq, Saddam Hussein never was sectarian.. and today the enemies of human kind the backward Kurdish Peshmergas want to wipe us from the face of Iraq we the sons and daughters of Iraq..undertaking a real genocide against Christians burning our churches and murdering our clerics... We pretty know the peshmergas are too stupid to undertake such things..but they are doing this for their masters the Zionists to insist on slaughtering more Iraqis.
Our Muslim brothers! I beseech you by God and His prophet to protect what is remaining of your Christian families, your brothers and sisters in Mosul. Resisters! Don't let the bloodthirsty peshmergas harm your Iraqi Christians brothers and sisters.. We entrust you our churches and our homes.. You must defend them so we shall stay, as always we did: one same family and one same people.
Under our beloved Saddam Hussein patriotic government we lived a normal life.. Now thanks to the bloodthirsty US occupation, we the Iraqis have all, become beggars. spreading our hands to the so called humanitarian organizations. . In any case whatever help we get from the puppet government and these so called humanitarian organizations is meaningless compared with us leaving our city Mosul..
Dear brothers Mujahideen! Forget not what the Great Prophet Mohammed once said : "The one who harms a Christian, harms me and the one who harms me harms God.. and I will never intercede for him in the day of judgment!" This phrase was repeated now and again by my murdered martyred son..
God have mercy on your Prophet Mohammed and on His servant the beloved of the Iraqis, martyr Saddam Hussein, and my son and all the innocent martyrs of the great Iraq. May the virgin Mary safeguard and protect all the Mujahideen who are fighting the bloodthirsty US beast.
Signed the daughter of Iraq..who from today on has no home.. until the expelling of the loathed bloodthirsty US' thugs thanks to the strength of your capable wrists.. All Iraqis are with you Mujahideen! We sacrifice our souls for you, our beloved Iraq.
Translated by Abu Assur. http://www.al- moharer.net
http://www.dailymus lims.com/ ISSUES/Occupatio n/1501.html
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