Sunday, November 4, 2007

Touching feet of Elders out of respect

Touching feet of Elders out of respect

Touching another’s feet out of reverence or respect is a pagan Hindu rite; thus this and all such pagan rites and rituals are absolutely forbidden in Islam.
Here for more information, please check the authentic Hadith below where Prophets Mohammed (SWT) said whoever copies any person, is one of them.

Sunan of Abu-Dawood Hadith 4020 Narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: He who copies any people, is one of them.
Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 7.780 Narrated by Nafi

Ibn Umar reported that the Prophet (saws) said, "Do the opposite of what the pagans do!”

So righteous way for a believer to respect and honor their parents is not by touching his feet, but rather by being devoutly obedient to all their legal wishes,

Regarding the Sajda n Shirk ,. Whether you make a verbal neeyath or within. The act of Sajdah is exclusively for Allah Alone.

‘Sajdah’ in light of the Holy Quran and the traditions of the Prophet (saws) is to bow down in prostration with your knees and forehead on the floor in obedience, humility and worship to none other than Allah Subhanah

Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 41 Surah Fusselat verse 37:Do not do ‘sajdah’ to the sun and the moon, but do ‘sajdah’ to that Allah, Who Created them, if you really are indeed His worshippers.

Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 22 Surah Hajj verse 77:O you who believe, do ‘rukoo’ and ‘sajdah’ to Allah Alone, worship Allah Alone, and do righteous deeds. It may be that you attain true success.

Allah Himself states in the above aayahs of the Glorious Quran, that He Alone deserves our rites of ‘sajdah’ and no one else. In the “Shariah” of Mohamed (saws), ‘sajdah’ is an integral part of our prayers and worship and these are for Allah Alone. It is a confirmation that we submit our lives and our wills to the Will of the One we are doing ‘sajdah’ to.

To associate any beings or things whatsoever with, or compare any being or thing unto Allah is ‘shirk’!
To share any of the noble Attributes of Allah with anyone is ‘shirk’!
To invoke or worship anyone or anything with Allah is ‘shirk’!
The Glorious Quran is the Book which absolutely details each and every manifestation of shirk and makes the readers aware of what exactly is this most hated of crimes in the sight of Allah.

The Holy Quran has 15 places in it, where we are commanded to do ‘sajdah’ when reciting the Quran. All of these ‘sajdah’ aayahs are when Allah says He is our Lord and we are commanded to worship Him Alone and everything in Creation is doing ‘sajdah’ to Him, therefore we are commanded to do ‘sajdah’ along with them in humility and worship to our Lord and Creator. There are approximately 20 times where the story of Adam (a.s.) and Iblis is related in the Quran, but not once are we commanded to do ‘sajdah’ when we recite these aayahs of the Quran. Similarly there is one aayah where the brothers of Yusuf did sajdah to Yusuf (.a.s..), but we are not commanded by Allah to do ‘sajdah’ when we recite this aayah. This is not because Allah and His Messenger (saws) forgot to tell us to do ‘sajdah’, but it is because we are not allowed to do ‘sajdah’ to anybody or anything else other than Allah Alone in Islam, be it in love and respect, or worship and ‘ibaadah’.

The Prophet (saws) was the best of creation, and his companions loved and respected him (saws) more than their lives, Even then, there is not one instance where it is mentioned that they did prostration to the Prophet (saws)

I hope, and pray the Merciful Lord accepts our humble and weak efforts, forgives us our many shortcomings, and saves you, me, and all the believers from the torment of the Hell Fire.

1 comment:

N-onymous said...


Eid Mubarak to you! And thank you so very very much for this post. Its eid tomrorow and every eid my family have to go through the same torture and humiliation by our extended family because we refuse to do salam by feet. wev not been doing it since we learnt its not right - about a good deal 5/6 years now but even then every eid its the same ritual. it drives me mad. im doing some research and im going to put together a handout and hopefully this may get the message across. if they want to do salam by feet then thats up to them. what infuriates me is that they accept us to do, like we have no say it. grrr. thanks again!